Registering Posted Employees
By Swedish law, a posted employee is to be registered if their assignment is to last for more than 5 days. Normally such a registration must be made no later than on the first day of the posted employees assignment in Sweden. However, if an assignment of less than 5 days is extended, a registration can be made on the assignments 6th day. The standard fine for not registering a posting is SEK 20,000.
For an assignment to be regarded as a posting by the Swedish authorities all of the following criteria must be fulfilled:
For an assignment to be regarded as a posting by the Swedish authorities all of the following criteria must be fulfilled:
- The employer is established in a country other than Sweden and is providing services across the Swedish border.
- The employee’s normal work place is located in a country other than Sweden.
- The employee has been sent to Sweden on a temporary assignment.
- While in Sweden the employee is working on behalf of a third party.